Workflow Management Systems (CRM)
In the market, there are alot of off the shelf software for many purposes. Though the price of such software is reasonable they are rarely customize for the company's need. For example, the set of particulars that need to be captured for each client can vary from company to company. Also, the format of the reports are usually fixed.
Big coporations, had long enjoyed the benifits of customize software, as they are able to pay for the development of such software which can cost tens of thousand.
At TameSoft we aim to bring this level of customization to the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). We make it our mission to bring you coporate style customizations at SME friendly prices.
Some examples of the workflow systems that we have:
- Customer Database (for keeping track of your customer details)
- Student management Database (for education institution and tuition centre)
- Purchase and Invoice Database (to manage your expenses and earnings)
- Inventory Database (to manage your products inventory)
- Feedback Management Systems (End to end managment of customer feedback)
Web Portal Development
We offer great prices for websites of your businesses. Whatever your business may be, we can customize a website to suit your needs. Various modules can be tailored to meet the demands of your business.
Below are just some examples of our modules:
- E-commerence Solutions.
- Content Management Systems.
- Data capturing Modules.
- Discussion Forums.
- Events Calendars Modules.
- Online Catalogues.
- Online Forms.
We also design statics or information websites for business that does not need any users inputs. These websites are purely informative in nature, mainly for adverting purposes or to create awareness.
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